Thursday, June 23, 2016

Watching Other People Work

Yesterday, as promised, I had lunch with Alfonso. For the first time since I've been here, I had what would probably be considered the consummate Peruvian lunch: pollo a la brasa, pappas fritas, y chicha morada. I ended up sticking around the Coliseo Eduardo Dibós while he worked on the production design for a dance contest that takes place tonight. I got to watch some of the groups rehearse. I went with him to pick up a few things (banners, zip ties), and while we were waiting for the banners to be completed, he treated me to pastel de acelga (chard pie). It was passable. I'm sure it would be much better homemade and fresh.

Amada and I talked northern Peruvian food for several hours last night. I didn't eat dinner as I was still full from the pastel, but I had some Chilean wine while we talked. I also managed to finish half a dish cloth (I made another one the night before). They should have three before I leave.

Today I was (am) in a foul mood. One of the dogs started in at about 7:00 this morning and kept going until about 1:00 p.m. I couldn't let her in because it had rained and her paws were wet. I got some work done on the book chapter. I'm going to try to rough in the rest of it tomorrow and give it to Seri to look at and make suggestions on. I'm also trying to track down what is happening with my Fellowship disbursement for summer term. Everything is showing up in Financial Aid, but nothing has moved on my student account yet. Normally I'd call the Student Finances office, but not at $1.00/minute. I'll have to rely on email.

I've been freezing the last couple of days, so I went to Ripley and M .bo today to get a few pullovers, a cardigan, and a scarf. 

By the time I got back, Amada had lunch ready. Quinoa soup and caihua stew with fish. Delicious, as always. She is promising arroz con leche tonight.

Tomorrow the group gets back from the jungle and I'll be meeting them in Miraflores. Unless the dryer gets fixed by then, I'll be wearing week-old jeans since my other two pairs are still soaking wet. 

I seem to have developed a cough and the beginnings of a sore throat. I'm hoping it's just from walking around in smoggy Lima Centro yesterday, but we'll see.

Until tomorrow, here's a picture of Alfonso's stage design in-progress.

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