Thursday, June 2, 2016

T-minus Six Days

I managed to get all my errands done today, starting out with some new kicks. thanks to the very helpful gentleman at Five Star Sports (who, I believe was Danny Adams himself).

I got what I hope will be enough dry supplies for the piggies, as well as some food for the next few days. I'll have to make one more trip to the store on Monday to be sure the fresh veggie supply is adequate. I'm just hoping the timothy I bought will last (they go through it like there will never be anymore). And, thank goodness I remembered, timers for the lamps in the living room and my office (the piggies' room). I also found some purple luggage tags and an inflatable neck pillow.

I've printed out two copies of my prescriptions, one to go in the plastic bag containing my meds and one to go into my travel folder which will be in my backpack. I also printed out my immunization records to go in my travel folder. I think that is everything but my boarding pass, which I will have to print out on Tuesday.

The bad news: my blood tests came back and I still have some issues. My doctor wants to change my dosages (I have an appointment Monday morning)...dosages on the meds I just refilled yesterday in preparation for the trip. I may tell him it's going to have to wait until I get back. I can't keep throwing away money.

On a happier note, an acquaintance pointed my to, so I'm taking a crash course in Spanish.

¡Adiós por ahora!

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